(215) 645-7766 info@memoirsandmore.com

Seltzer family history project
Three brothers hired Memoirs & More to research their grandfather's arrival in Philadelphia in the 1890s and document his story from then to the present.
Wedding gift
This family history book was produced as a wedding present. More meaningful than flatware or stemware, the young couple can start their marriage with a deep understanding each others' heritage.

Corporate history
Global optics provider Edmund Optics wanted to capture its origin story, as well as its transitions to the second and third generation of family management. Coinciding with their 80th anniversary, this project served many important purposes.
Connecticut Yankees
Full of family trees, this project focused on the direct familial line of a family — all the way back to the first ancestors to arrive in America.

Klaus was a project dreamed up by his children. They wanted their father to write his memoirs but he was too busy to do it himself.
Dragged into this by her children, Lillian Lefevre ended up enjoying the process much more than expected. When Clémence read the draft manuscript to her (Lillian had macular degeneration and could no longer see), Lillian sat back and reflected for a moment. "I really did have a good life," she said.

Part joint-memoir, part corporate history, this book chronicles the lives of both Eb and Nancy Novak. Books with multiple narrators have the added bonus of getting the same story from different angles.