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Clémence R. Scouten
Giving back: serving as President of PHNN
Personal historians produce books, videos, and/or audio recordings about people's lives.

Clémence R. Scouten
Family History Resources
Where do I....? People ask me all the time for referrals for genealogists, book printers, and other family history resources. Over the...

Clémence R. Scouten
Interview with Ashley Owens
It was such a thrill to be interviewed on TV! Big thanks again to Ashley. If you don't know her, she is a networking "concierge" but...

Clémence R. Scouten
Speaking events in 2020
Family history speaking events in 2020.

Clémence R. Scouten
The 2020 Ultimate Guide to Archiving Family Papers
How to archive your family history papers so they will last.

Clémence R. Scouten
Preserve memories, not stuff
Family history is made of stories.

Clémence R. Scouten
That's not junk! Oh, wait...
Family archives: keep or toss? How will you curate your family history?

Clémence R. Scouten
Top 5 family history artifacts collecting dust in the attic (and what to do with them)
Here's what to do with the family history artifacts in your attic.

Clémence R. Scouten
It's "archives" week this week
Quick tips on archival standards.

Clémence R. Scouten
Featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer
As mentioned in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Clémence R. Scouten
Photo organizing secrets revealed
Three tips to help you get through organizing your family photos.

Clémence R. Scouten
How to label your photos
Basic digital photo naming convention.

Clémence R. Scouten
5 tips to tackle your family history
Many people want to work on their family history but often become discouraged when faced with the amount or complexity of work involved....
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