Giving back: serving as President of PHNN
Speaking Events in 2022
Interview with Ray Loewe
Three myths that sabotage your legacy
Interview with Ashley Owens
Speaking events in 2020
Your legacy project: add meaning to your estate planning & figure out what’s really important
Writing Your Memoir: DIY vs. hiring a memoir service
Using a Design Thinking Mindset to Inspire your Next Legacy
Save your sanity, and your family history!
Gone with the wind… what is lost when family history isn’t saved
Preserve memories, not stuff
That's not junk! Oh, wait...
Family legacy is good communication
Not just a stack of old letters...
Estate planning: here's what you missed
Featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer
I can't sell that! It belonged to my grandmother!
Who says it's not interesting?
The Value of Sentimental Objects