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Time to write your memoir

Clémence R. Scouten

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

Reading anyone’s memoir can be a moving and entertaining experience, but there is nothing like sitting down and reading a text that someone you loved wrote. You can hear their voice. You listen to them tell you the stories that comprised the most impactful moments of their life.

Often, a memoir of a loved one is the door to feeling more connected with ourselves, with our family, and those who have passed.

When a memoir captures the author’s personality, their voice and character shine through. We learn not just what they did, but how they thought and felt. Writing your memoir is a way to put your family history down on paper so it cannot be forgotten. It empowers you to take control of your legacy.

So, why isn’t everyone sitting down to write their memoir? While memoirs are often incredibly easy reads, they’re not easy to write. It’s as simple as that.

You’ve got to figure out what stories are the most important to tell, decide where to start, how to link the events together in an entertaining way, and you can’t digress in the same way you can when verbally tell a story.

And, of course, you’ve got to have the time, dedication, and skill to write it.

When the manuscript is finally complete, you need it printed when it’s finished. If you are struggling to write your memoirs, know that you are not alone.

Can someone else write my memoir for me?

Yes! In fact, it’s very common to work with a professional writer who can help you produce the memoir of your dreams in a timely manner, so you don’t have to spend years writing, editing, and polishing it before it’s finally complete.

Of course, if you want to write your memoir yourself and have someone else edit it later, or just keep it for yourself, that’s fine.

But, many people find it helpful to work with a professional to ensure their memoir and family history is recorded. In most cases, this writer will be a ghostwriter, which means they write for you, but with no credit or only a small credit to the book itself. You can find out more about what a ghostwriter does here.

A memoir is your story

No two people live the same lives, and the world would be a very boring place if they did! Even going through similar circumstances, no two people are going to think, feel, and act in the same way. That’s what makes memoirs (and fiction) so entertaining.

Of course, that’s what makes your story special to you. Even when you work with a ghostwriter—as my clients choose to do—they strive to capture your voice. When you work with me, you have 100% of the control over what is said. This is your story. Your legacy. You have the power to decide how you want it to be heard and remembered.

How to write a memoir: it’s hard, but not impossible

Memoirs are more accessible than most people think. Yes, they’re not easy to write, but you’re not trying to write the next War & Peace, either! When you work with us, we’ll guide you through every step of the memoir-writing process so you can be as hands-on or off as you desire. We’ll help you take those nuggets of advice, anecdotes, and major events and create a narrative that entertains, moves, and wows whoever reads it, whether it be a stranger or your future great, great-grandchildren.

We will act as your ghostwriter, helping to get the absolute best out of every little story you have to tell. If you’d like to see how we’ve done this for our other clients, take a look at the sample below of Lili, by Lillian Bourne Lefevre, whom we helped tell her story. As you’ll see, a memoir doesn’t have to be a full-length novel, you can tell whichever stories you feel called to¾we’re here to help you put your memoir out into the world as soon as possible.

If you want to write your memoir yourself, look at our Ultimate Guide to Writing a Memoir.

Everyone has a story to tell

You don’t need to be famous or survived a plane crash to write a memoir. You don’t even have to be a writer! Your family will love your story because they love you. Your ghostwriter will help you to structure your memoir so that it is readable, structured and flows well. Your job is just to recant your most treasured memories, funny anecdotes, and sentiments so that your loved ones will have something to look back on.

When you’re preparing to begin your memoir writing adventure, you will probably find yourself looking back at old photos of friends and family, reading letters from loved ones who have since passed, and you will feel nostalgic. The process of writing a memoir can be extremely gratifying, but quite stressful if you don’t have a second opinion on how to make the absolute most out of your treasured memories.

​It’s time to write your memoir

We know how hard it can be to write your memoir. I work with clients who have decided not to go it alone. They chose to have support to ensure their memoir gets written. We’ll lead you along the way will make the process of writing your memoir easier, and even a joyful experience as you walk down memory lane.

A previous client once said, “I simply could not have done it with anyone else.” If you’d like to hear more from my past clients, read my customer testimonials page to see what past clients had to say about our service.

If you are considering writing your memoir, I’d love to work with you. As a family historian, I am privileged to help people with their personal history projects, and I love being a small part of so many people’s history. I view it as an honor to be trusted to enter a family’s most personal space.

Whether you already have written part of your memoir and need help taking it to the next step, or want to start it from scratch, please call 215-645-7766 or email me at clemence @, to talk about how we can work together to get your memories published.

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